I am still getting used to the fact that Huey is no longer with us. Crawford, of course, is oblivious which makes it easier most of the time.
Mom and Dad came to visit Crawford and me while Greer went down to Houston on business in mid-August. It was a whirlwind weekend. Mom was able to see what a good eater Crawford is...he loves his veggies. We even gave him some whole green beans to "gnaw" on. He did better with them than I expected.
He has officially won his teachers over at school. They are understanding what makes him tick a little more. When I drop him off they all chat with him like they are old friends. It is really funny watching him get to know new people. Some people he is just naturally drawn to. He is eating more menu food every week. He'll eat just about anything. We are even giving him okra now. No one from Texas should grow up without okra.
Crawford doesn't seem to be too interested in crawling yet. Several babies in his class crawl and Crawford doesn't seem to care. He does JUMP better than any baby I've seen though. He LOVES his jumper.
For Labor Day we went back to Elberta for a short visit. We sat on the neighbors porch one evening for a some wine and conversation. We are certainly enjoying getting to know everyone out there. One of the neighbors watched Crawford for a little while so we could spend some time working on the property. It was great for us to focus on our cleaning efforts without having to go back and forth between working and cleaning. Some days Crawford is very open to meeting strangers, other times he is little less excited about. He did pretty well on this trip. We did get in the lake one last time. It will probably be too cool to swim next time we head out there. One thing he discovered, he can pseudo jump in the exersaucer. It was so funny. Most babies play with the toys mounted on the excersaucer. Crawford didn't really care for his until he discovered he can bounce up and down in it. Greer and I had a good laugh watching him. While we were in East Texas, we drove to Daingerfield State Park. Greer has good memories of going there as a child. We hiked around the park. Crawford just hung out with us. It was cool. He seems to enjoy being outside regardless of the activity.

We hadn't been home long when we discovered Crawford had an ear infection. It was his first (that we know of). Poor little guy sure was unhappy for a few days. We went to the doctor and they gave us some medicine that Crawford LOVED. He would get so excited in the morning when I got his medicine ready for him.
He is making new face...squenching his nose. I didn't like it at first, now I think it is so funny. I'm sure he picked it up from me or Greer, but it is much cuter when Crawford does it. I also received my first wave this month. Of course I wave bye to Crawford in the mornings when I drop him off. He waved back. All of the teachers were excited and were saying"mom, he's waving at you." Now he does it about 30% of the time. It is sure cute. He also loves to play patty cake, this little piggie and itsy bitsy spider. They all garner cute chuckles. One thing that really makes him laugh...throwing treats to Aggie and Sam (our dogs). He laughs like it is the funniest thing in the world. The dogs might gain a little weight the next few months; at least we are getting some good laughs out of it.
Crawford went to his first Rangers game this month. Greer's boss treated the nursery staff to a baseball game. Crawford was a hit. He enjoys all of the attention.
We had some friends over for my birthday. It was our first big attempt to entertain (cook) since Crawford. We pulled out the china and made a really nice meal. We had a great time. We finished the evening watching Tina Fey impersonate Palin...that was awesome!
I guess that's it for now. It is hard to remember everything from the past 3 weeks. It's a little bit of a blur because of Huey. Crawford is still growing...up to 20 pounds and 28 inches long. I bought his Halloween outfit...I hope he can still fit in it come Halloween. I can't wait to post those pictures!
1 comment:
It's fun to find your blog! It will be great to keep up with you and watch Crawford grow. He is adorable!
I'm so sorry for the loss you feel regarding Huey. Pets really can became so dear to us! I got my first dog as a grown up when I was living with Doug and Laura. I've always had a dog in my life (or a cat) and I hope I always will.
I think God gives us these pets to work out our character flaws and give us a sweet friend who won't talk back in tough times. :) We can just hug them and cry into their fur when necessary and also laugh hard at their antics.
I'm thankful you had Huey so long and will always have sweet memories of him.
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