Susan (Geep) flew to Dallas to visit the little guy this month. We kept him home from school one day so they could have some quality time together. It is always nice to give him time with family. She had the pleasure of feeding him some cereal. She saw first hand what a good eater he is!
My Dad (Grandad) kept Crawford for a week while his school was on Summer Break. Crawford was a little afraid of him at first. I think the mustache scared him. By the end of the week Crawford smiled every time he saw Grandad. I don't think he's heard that many crazy songs before. Satellite Radio can't compare to my Dad's song list. Dad was talking to Crawford about the dogs when I took this picture. As you can tell, Crawford is amazed.
We went to Tanner (Greer's cousin) and Darlene's house for dinner so Crawford could meet some more family. It was great to get out and Crawford sure enjoyed seeing their little dog. He really notices dogs now.
Greer and I had the opportunity to see Hairspray so Crawford stayed with Judy Allen, our neighbor. It was the first non-family member he has stayed with for over an hour (other than school of course). I think he did pretty darn well. I know Greer and I had a great time.
Well Crawford tried food other than cereal. That was a great laugh. We started with sugar snap peas. He didn't take to them quite as quickly as cereal. Actually, he turned towards Greer and spewed them right back out of his mouth. It was so funny. He likes them now and can't wait to get the next bite. He even tried some Cheerios but I think he is still a little young for those.
I am making the food and it is actually pretty easy.
We went to Elberta again and Crawford was in his first parade. He had on his 4th of July shirt and waved to the crowd. We have such a good time down there. He enjoys getting in the water and so do we.

They have a new nickname for him at school...Pickle. Greer has really taken to the name and has started calling him that at home. There is a cute girl that says "I'm going to tickle Pickle" when I get there in the mornings and Crawford smiles from ear to ear! I'm not sure how I feel about people calling him Pickle, but Mom says she dealt with it growing up (Dill is her maiden name).
Crawford has a new best is no longer the ceiling fan. It is now the remote control. Actually, it is anything that he can hold that has buttons and lights up - phones and remotes for now. If you are around, make sure your phone is on keylock because he is going to push those buttons! Remote...I guess it's a guy thing and apparently they learn it early.
We had a brief spell when he wasn't sleeping through the night because he is teething. No one told me about this. I knew it was painful for him, but I didn't know it would be painful for us too. We can usually get him back to sleep fairly quickly though.
Crawford has a new best is no longer the ceiling fan. It is now the remote control. Actually, it is anything that he can hold that has buttons and lights up - phones and remotes for now. If you are around, make sure your phone is on keylock because he is going to push those buttons! Remote...I guess it's a guy thing and apparently they learn it early.
Big firsts this month - eating solid foods (avocado, sugar snap peas, frozen peas, green beans, sweet potatoes & apricots), seeing Daddy play softball, sitting up in the Boppy, sleeping without being swaddled, finding his pee-pee, sitting in his jumper, expanded use of ba-ba-ba, ga-ga-ga & da-da-da & copying sounds that he hears.
He weighs 17 pounds (average) and is 27 inches long (long for his age). Eats solids 3 times a day and still has about 30 oz of milk.
Can't believe the summer is almost over. Try to stay out of the heat!
So so adorable. I just added yall to my blogroll.
I have to say, my favorite is the pic of the two boys sleeping. father like son.
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