Going on a Bear Hunt...

Baby Style!

I'll grow into this...right?
Ready to Hit the Greens
Well Crawford is now 4 months old. I can't believe how quickly time passes. We are still enjoying everyday. We had a scare this month that included hospital visits and lots of tests. We are lucky that we have Children's Hopsital so close. They did a great job of taking care of us. Aunt Laura and Geep really helped us out too.
This month's milestones - giggling, reaching for toys, taking his paci out of his mouth, playing on his own, eating 6 oz/feeding, wearing camo (ha). He now weighs 13 lbs, 11oz. and is almost 25 inches long. He is still right at the 50th percentile for his age. He loves to "talk" and we love to listen. He is starting to get tired of his swing at times. It sure has been a great thing to have around though. We still use it daily, he just doesn't like to stay in it as long. We read him a book every night before bed, and he actually looks at the pictures now. He doesn't always make it to the end of the book, but it is so much fun watching him discover new things. As you can see, he also likes to take naps with Daddy.
1 comment:
luv the new pics. What a cute smile. luv, kassi
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