What...I'm caught up? Say it isn't so! Well, Crawford is eleven months old and I can hardly believe we have had him almost a year. Now I understand why my parents always said time flies. It doesn't always seem that way when you are a kid. Sorry Mom and Dad!
Well, then end of November was quite exciting. Maybe more for me and Greer than Crawford. Texas Tech has had an exciting football season and we has some friends over to watch the Tech/OU game. The game worked in OU's favor, but it was great to have our friends over. Crawford enjoyed playing with all of the babies. Logan, Bo and Tiffany's new arrival, joined us for the first time. Luke, John and Katie's little one also joined us. What a blast! Little babies everywhere!
Greer and I had the opportunity to see A&M play t.u. in Austin. I knew it would be a blowout, and it was, but we had a such a good time. Geep and Grandpa kept Crawford so we could take advantage of the last minute opportunity. Those tickets are VERY hard to come by and they were just too good to pass up. Mom and Dad met us there. Of course, it was a huge deal for me, everyone else was just along for the ride. I don't like to see the Aggies lose, but I like to see the Aggies. Crawford had a great time spending the night with Geep and Grandpa.
We were able to get most of our Christmas shopping done in November too. Of course the economy has everyone cutting back this year. Retailers are putting things on sale earlier than normal and we took advantage of the deals.
December was a big month for Crawford at school. He moved up to the toddler class. He is pictured above with Samuel on their lat day in the infant class. As soon as I put him down on the first day of Toddler Class all of the other kids SWARMED him. He didn't like it much. Crawford is still a little on the laid back side. He enjoys lying on the floor while the other kids around him walk, crawl, run. He doesn't feel the need to partake in all of those silly activities. "Why move when I can stay here?" he says. The teachers said he would get over that in this class. He cannot move up to the next class until he walks. We'll see! Anyway, that also means he has to win over a new set of teachers: Ms. Yolanda, Ms. Donna & Ms. Courtna. I don't think it will take long. His crib is in the back of the room again since he is new, but it won't be long before they see how great he is and move him up! He gets to participate in art now...
Greer was invited to go hunting at South Spur Ranch in Carrizo Springs, TX in early December. He was SOOO thrilled. He doesn't have a lease anymore so he jumps at the chance to go hunting. He got a new bow this year for our wedding anniversary. Hunting haters beware...Greer got a 275lb wild boar with his new bow. He was so excited. I will spare everyone the gruesome photo. He also got a doe so we have meat for the next year.
While he was hunting Mom (Mimi) came to spend some time with me and Crawford. We did a little shopping. A lot actually. Two days of non-stop shopping. Crawford was a champ. You don't realize how easy it is to get around with a little baby until they get older. They don't want to stay in a stroller all day and who can blame them. He was very patient with us though.
Santa came to Crawford's school for photos. According to the teachers Crawford was the only kid in the toddler room that didn't cry when he saw Santa. I think we can thank Grandad for that. Grandad is a big man and has a white mustache, Crawford loves to play with it. I think Crawford thought it was Grandad with more facial hair! Regardless, the pictures are cute! Did I mention Crawford's crib has already moved to the front of the room. The teachers are VERY fast learners.
Crawford is getting a little picky with his food. In his new class they do not puree the food, they cut it into small pieces. Well Crawford pushes everything around with his index finger to decide if he likes the texture. If he does, he MIGHT put it in his mouth. It is fun to watch but it can be frustrating when you are the one feeding him. He does like eggs most of the time though. He is the only one in class not drinking juice. I guess I am a mean mommy.
He says Daddy, Doggie and uh-oh now. We think he is also trying to say bye-bye and thank you. He also learned to shake his head no at school. We didn't teach him that at home but he sure has that skill mastered. It can be really funny if you are in the mood for it.
He is about 40th percentile for weight, 21.6oz and 5oth percentile for height, just under 30 inches. HE now has 4 teeth up top and two on bottom. It looks like a fifth is trying to come through on top. He doesn't like you to feel them. We can't wait to say he is one year old!
Merry Christmas!