Okay, September...I'll try to remember as much as I can. While Greer went dove hunting, Crawford and I were busy going to birthday parties. We went to 2 birthday parties in one day. That was a big deal since it was Crawford's first experience with birthday parties. Caleb and Mia both had their first birthday. Mia's party was early afternoon. Crawford had a great time playing with Mia's toys...she has quite a few. I'm not so sure Mia was happy about Crawford playing with her toys though. She tried to climb into the excersaucer while Crawford was in it. Of course Crawford didn't care, the more the merrier! Caleb's party was in the evening and Crawford was a little tired. He slept through some of it, but good times were had by all. Caleb seemed to enjoy the attention and rightfully so. I can't believe Crawford is so close to HIS first birthday.
Later in the month Mimi and Grandad came to babysit Crawford so Greer and I could get away for our 5th wedding anniversary. While I realize it is good to get away from the little one on occasion, it is harder than I thought. Greer and I went the The Joule, a new hotel in Dallas. We had dinner at Stephen Pyle's and enjoyed every minute of it. However, Sunday morning, I was ready to see Crawford! I called my mom and Dad to make sure they knew we were heading home. I missed the little guy. Now don't get me wrong, it was great for Greer and I to spend some time together, but I am really used to seeing Crawford's sweet face in the morning. We came home and I couldn't wait to see him. He greeted me in a ho-hum manner. Clearly I missed him more than he missed me. At that moment though, I tried to convince myself otherwise. I know better now.
Well, October had its share of ups and downs. The first week of October Crawford was really sick. I am beginning to think he inherited my health gene. Although the doctor tells me all babies in daycare get sick this frequently...wait, so it is my fault either way...anyway. He had a viral respiratory infection with high fever. It took several trips to the doctor to find the right medication but we eventually did. Sick babies are so sad. It would be so much easier if they could just communicate!!
Well, Crawford did get better so we squeezed in a quick trip to The State Fair if Texas. Must admit, much different experience with a baby. Checking out the auto exhibit isn't nearly as easy when you are pushing a stroller everywhere. We enjoyed some tornado taters, a turkey leg and fried bacon. That was the featured food this year. A little salty, but I had to try it. We took Crawford to the animal exhibit. He's a little young. He did great at the Fair though. Reminded us of last year when little Scarlett was born.
We had our nine month check-up and Crawford is still right at the 50th percentile for everything. He weighed just about 20 pounds and was 28 inches tall. He was one the "big kids" in his class at school. He lights up every time Momma or Daddy picks him up, but he also lights up when he sees his teachers. He really seems to enjoy playing with the other kids. He is definitely much more expressive and is beginning to push himself around via the "army crawl." So much fun...